Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Resolutions...

It's that time of year again! Time for us to all make our annual New Year's Resolutions. How is it that every year we can make the same promises and somehow never seem to keep them much past the end of January? Back when I went to the gym regularly I would avoid it as much as possible during January because it was always packed with all the New Year's Resolution people who would slowly drift away by the beginning of February. Is it just the idea of being a shiny, better, sleeker model of ourselves that has us renewing these resolutions year after year?

Well, say what you will, but here I am January 2nd and I'm making the resolutions too. Although, of course I've given myself the weekend to live it up and go hog wild one last time before I "officially" start on Monday, January 5th. So is that really a "New Year's Resolution" if I let 4 full days of the "New Year" go by before I actually start? With that said, here are my New Year's Resolutions (let's see where I am by February 1st!):

  1. Eat healthier
  2. Exercise more... okay, at all
  3. Budget my finances better
  4. Find a new church and attend regularly
  5. Do a better job of keeping in touch with my friends and loved ones other than through Facebook!
Well, there you have it. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing too fanciful. But let's see how long it lasts when I can't even get started yet!!! :)

Here's hoping that 2009 is a wonderfully blessed year for you and your family!

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