Thursday, November 6, 2008

To Blog or Not To Blog...

Why do we blog? I guess it's because we have something to say that we feel is interesting enough for the whole world to read. Or maybe we want to teach others how to do something we feel we are skilled at doing. Who knows why so many people out there have blogs, but everywhere you turn there are new ones popping up left and right.

So. Why am I blogging? That remains to be seen at this point. I'm still not sure why I'm doing this. Maybe it's because I read so many different blogs myself and I feel like, hey! I could do that! Or maybe it's just an issue of boredom. I've been bored a lot lately. Maybe it's because my friend B is starting her own blog and I've been "inspired" despite her attempts to convince me that I'm expecting too much from her blog. Whatever my real (subconscious) reason is for doing this, here I am. Writing away on the internet. Who knows what I'll end up writing about, but hopefully I'll be able to keep it up and this won't become another project that I get bored with after a month or so.

Will anyone read my blog? I hope so. I hope that despite my boredom that leads me to write on here, it won't bore the crap out of the rest of you who might deign to read this.

So hello blogging world! Here I am!!! Let's hope that I don't get lost here in the blogging world as often as I do in the "real world".

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