My grandfather, Robert Howard Rutherford, Sr. served in WWII in the Air Force division of the Army. At that time there was not a separate Air Force. He was in the 446 and served in England. He received the Soldier's Medal for rushing onto a burning plane to save a man on the plane. He truly was one of the most amazing men I have ever known in my life. He passed away in August of 2007, but not before teaching my brother and I some of the most important lessons of our lives. He and my grandmother (Mary) lived in Tuskegee, Alabama and raised three wonderful children and not only did they all live through the Civil Rights Movement in one of the hot spots of the time, but my grandfather was the Mayor of Tuskegee when the schools there were ordered to integrate. He had an amazing strength and determination and was a great Christian man. He truly is one of my heroes and I miss him terribly.

My other grandfather, Hermon Louis Sutton, fought in the Army in the Korean War. He is one of the sweetest, kindest men I've ever known. I am very fortunate to still have him in my life and he loves to tell stories of he and my grandmother (Pat) when they were young and dating. They raised two children and now have three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Although, I'm sure I'm the favorite out of all of them. :) He is a devoted follower of Christ and I admire him for his desire to share his love for God with his entire family. He truly is a wonderful man.

And finally - my step-father, Harold Dean Cremer who served in the Coast Guard in the Vietnam War. He is truly an example for all men. He grew up in the small town of Minonk, Illinois and has worked his way up to where he is now. He has been a wonderful second father to my brother and I and has taught us many valuable lessons in life. If it weren't for him, I honestly don't think that I'd be as financially stable as I am now. He has taught me so much about managing my finances as well as my life. He has taught me to be honest and to live my life simply. He is definitely a no-frills, man's man and I wouldn't have it any other way. I only hope that my husband is as good of a father to our children as he's been to us and to his own two children.
Do you know a Veteran? If so, tell them how much they mean to you today!!!
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